What are CHO PRIVATE AUCTIONS and how do they work ?

Soon there will also be Private Auctions

They work like Public Auctions but are managed by users who choose the vCards to be auctioned with customized parameters, such as: Auction duration time; Auction Base Value ($ABV); Auction Reserve Price ($ARP) and decide at the end of the auction if the vCard is not awarded whether to activate a second experiment or not.

At the end of the Auction the vCard has a different Market Value.

This value is the value at the end of the auction, so if it is awarded it can have a higher value than the starting value, but if it is not awarded the system lowers it by $ 0.5.

The CHO.earth system, as in Public Auctions, by default gives the Auction Base Value ($ABV) reduced by 0.5 $ of the value of the vCard, but the user can choose to further lower it or to raise it (Maximum variation is +/- 20%).

The Auction Base Price ($ABP) is the Auction Base Value ($ABV) of the vCard reduced by $ 0.5.


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