What is the REFERRAL CODE and how does it work ?

The REFERRAL CODE is a unique code that identifies you in CHO.earth and if you make it used constantly by your friends / acquaintances, you can earn and create an interesting business.

Moreover, if you use the REFERRAL CODE of your friend / acquaintance, you can get a discount for each payment, but be careful you will have to insert a REFERRAL CODE before paying.

You can enter the same REFERRAL CODE or change it as you wish, without obligations or constraints.

Each purchase can be discounted by 5% if you enter the REFERRAL CODE of your friend / acquaintance who will receive in exchange a cashback of 5% of the purchase made directly in his Wallet.

Money that can be accumulated or reinvested in the purchase of new vCards.

If you sell vCards, Event Tickets or Products, you will have to predict that 10% will go away for promotion in the REFERRAL CODE circuit (This expense will go: 5% as a discount per buyer and 5% goes to the promoter as accessed by money in the wallet).

This tool creates a very interesting viral promotion circuit that allows those who sell to increase their business, but to those who buy and invest it allows them to save.

Invite your friends to do the same thing and remind them to use your REFERRAL CODE so you will also start earning...



To make your REFERRAL CODE known to many people, don't SPAM around, this won't help!

But you can instead, create a community in social networks and from them help friends first and then friends of friends to do business in CHO.earth.

If you become a Leader of a group of people, they will recognize you and help you using your REFERRAL CODE, it costs them nothing, but surely if they make investments or purchases, to save money, they will want to use someone's REFERRAL CODE.


Why not use that of a person who helps them?

You can make videos, posts and articles to help other users to use the platform, to play with strategy or simply update them on the news of the CHO.earth system, this will make you earn a lot, if your community grows, it will identify you as their Leader.


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CHO Earth, create, explore and trade in the first-ever virtual heritage world owned by its users width NTF.

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