Who is a CITIZEN in CHO.earth ?

CITIZEN owns at least one CHO Digital Property (NFT) and there are two ways to get it:

  1. - Buy a vCARD made by others directly in BAZZAR, here you will find various opportunities.
  2. - Buy a vCARD made by others. This is done in the Auctions Section (Public or Private)

Soon even among CITIZENS Users will have the opportunity to Directly Sell the vCARDs by making a direct offer to the Property User, if he accepts, the transaction will take place directly. (For now it will be commission free).

You will also be able to access the BARGAIN area where you can find vCARDs that have not been sold at PUBLIC AUCTIONS and therefore, EXPERIMENT after EXPERIMENT, their value has dropped to $ 0.50. (Minimum value of a vCARD)


You will discover the benefits of being a CITIZEN over time as Team CHO develops new features.


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CHO Earth, create, explore and trade in the first-ever virtual heritage world owned by its users width NTF.

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